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About us
Forbairt Chonamara Láir Teo. is a local development structure, which has been operating in the Conamara Láir area since 2007. The organization is made up of representatives from community committees in the functional area - namely CP Chamuis, CP Rosmuc, CP Chill Chiaráin , CP Charna, CP an Chaisil and CP Sraith Salach. The organization's work program is based on the identified needs and development possibilities of the area and the members of the management committee have a strong input here. The organization is central to the development of local community projects and services, e.g. provision of community facilities, administrative and support services. By focusing on the development of local resources, the natural environment, tourism, the sea and local culture, the organization aims to promote improvement and development for the benefit of the economic and social life of the community in the area. Among the features that fall under FCL Ltd. are: Carna Childcare Centre, gteic@Carna, Central Connemara Community Employment Schemes, Tourism, Youth Clubs, Training & Education Courses, Skills Programme, Bingo, Renewable Energy and Language Planning as well as other projects and schemes.
Contact details:
Máirín Ní Choisdealbha-Seoige
Oifigeach Forbartha Forbairt Chonamara Láir Teo.
Seoladh: Teach an Údaráis, Carna, Co. na Gaillimhe, H91X07X.
Fón: 095 32688 / 087 3294478